Cost, Quality and Outcomes (CQO) Movement

The ISM® Hospital Report On Business® is the first ISM® report to focus on the healthcare sector. It is being established in partnership with AHRMM, and with the assistance of the Strategic Marketplace Initiative (SMI).
Cost per case is a valuable measure because it captures multiple data points. As reports are developed and used, CPC can prove a powerful tool for finding cost reduction and process improvement opportunities—and that can impact your hospital’s bottom line.
The CQO movement is the health care supply chain’s fitness tracker. It engages supply chain with leaders across the healthcare environment to apply a new approach. To start with your own CQO KPI, look for your Bigfoot within your organization to identify top priorities. After looking at those top…
This short webcast will give you a brief overview of the current ISM® Report On Business, share details surrounding the development of the new ISM® Hospital Report on Business—the hospital-specific report—why it is important, and how you can be involved.
In this AHRMM webcast, Karen Conway, executive director of industry relations and value at GHX discusses her research with the FDA on the value of UDI adoption in health care organizations. AHRMM’s Mike Schiller, senior director of supply chain, joins the conversation by describing the actions…
Over the years, the concept of the Triple Aim has taken hold, with well over 100 participating organizations, including the AHA, among its champions. But along the way, there remains confusion about exactly what is meant by the health of populations. Clearing up this issue also provides important…
Healthcare delivery systems in the U.S. have traditionally targeted health intervention strategies at individuals rather than populations. However, the transition to value-based care necessitates that healthcare providers develop population health management strategies to improve disease management…
Real-time supply chain costs serve as an indicator of how efficiently resources are being used by different parts of the organization. Armed with this information, healthcare providers are beginning to predict what their supply needs are instead of being reactive, which most of the time results in…
Data visualization can help translate dashboards, benchmarking and metrics lines, and lines of supply chain data into actionable insight. Visualizing CQO with data allows the supply chain leader to make the complex simple, the abstract tangible. Darcy Aafedt discusses how to understand your data…
Get introduced to risk sharing in health care and learn how providers and suppliers can work together to generate financial, operational and clinical value by watching this AHRMM Webcast featuring Michael Neely.