Pitfalls of Purchased Services


Discover tips that can separate a health system’s success or failure when creating a viable purchased services sourcing program in this short AHRMM webcast.

Related Resources

AHRMM supports the concept and use of Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) to provide evidence-based data to help inform purchasing decis
Request for Proposals (RFP)
A sample of a bed management RFP covering all the basics. Download the document and tailor it to your needs.
White Papers
This white paper explores the realities facing healthcare delivery, some of the new models being developed and what they could mean for the s
Magazine & Journal Articles
In this page, AHRMM recommends these 3 proactive activities in the event of economic downturn.
Request for Proposals (RFP)
A sample of request for proposal for contractors to provide uniformed healthcare security services.
This Special Fraud Alert focuses on the specific attributes and practices of PODs that OIG believes produce substantial fraud and abuse risk and pose…