Strategic Sourcing

Discover tips that can separate a health system’s success or failure when creating a viable purchased services sourcing program in this short video webcast.
Advocate Health Care developed a provider-supplier partnership that reduced re-admission rates and improved quality of care inside and outside of the hospitals. This webinar discusses elements of the collaborative research, the clinical economic baseline and outcome, as well as how the quality…
Michael Neely introduces the topic of risk sharing as it is becoming more popular in healthcare and how it can improve patient care while lowering costs. To learn more about risk sharing and how providers and suppliers can work together to generate financial, operational and clinical value, join…
It doesn’t take a deadly pandemic like Ebola to put your supply chain—and your staff and patients--at risk. Flu outbreaks cause sudden shortages of critical supplies and happen frequently. Jason Burnham shares three steps to be prepared for the next outbreak.
Leaders in health care organizations throughout the United States and beyond are looking to the supply chain for big data to determine actionable business insights of products used during patient care. The insights gathered can support the purchasing decisions of contracting and value analysis…
AHRMM presents a four-part series on successful collaboration with suppliers. In part three, Brent Petty, executive industry consultant at Lexmark International, discusses finding common ground between providers and suppliers and working towards the total cost of ownership.    The…
Annie Weisbrod, principal scientist at Procter and Gamble, discusses the science behind sustainable hygiene products in this free AHRMM webcast.
In part two of a four-part series on successful collaboration with suppliers, Mike Schiller, former director of supply chain at AHRMM, discusses relationship building, utilizing trust and transparency.   The Secrets of Successful Collaboration series
AHRMM presents a four-part series on successful collaboration with suppliers. In part one, Mike Schiller, director of supply chain at AHRMM, discusses AHRMM’s CQO Movement and IHI’s Triple Aim and how they are affecting the health care supply chain today. As primary care shifts its focus to…
It doesn’t take a deadly pandemic like Ebola to put your supply chain—and your staff and patients--at risk. Flu outbreaks cause sudden shortages of critical supplies and happen frequently. Jason Burnham, associate director, O&M Halyard Health, shares three steps you need to know in order…