Clinical Integration

Explore your organization’s clinical integration maturity and leverage leadership involvement to make data-driven decisions.
Value Analysis programs are charged with evaluating products and services while balancing cost, quality, and outcomes in the decision. The quality of the products and the outcomes from using the products cannot be compromised, but today’s environment within health care dictates that cost is a…
Clinical quality and outcomes can be drastically improved, along with avoidance of negative effects to your organization by preventing adverse events resulting from small bore device misconnections.
Much of health care supply chain is now working to connect with clinicians to reduce of unnecessary variations and waste to achieve CQO and the Triple Aim. When working to build a relationship with clinicians, your success factor will improve when you come to the conversation with an understanding…
Clinical integration starts with physician champions. Supply chain executives can’t be experts in all areas, and successful clinical discussions tend to occur when physician leaders are the ones initiating those meetings with their physician peers. The physician leader should be able to challenge…
Integrating Physician Leadership in Supply Chain Management
Collaborating with clinicians in the adoption of best practice of anesthesia gas administration during surgery requires consideration of multiple factors, including clinical efficacy, environmental impact, and cost of care. Significant practice variations among clinicians exist without strong,…
2019 AHRMM CQO Report: The Power of Clinical Integration  Overview:  The CQO Task Force identified six health care organizations with case studies demonstrating the evolution of CQO and the expanding role of supply chain in meeting the needs of the ever-changing health care environment…
In today’s value based health care market, reimbursement is tied to patient outcomes. But the duty of improving patient outcomes does not solely reside with the clinical teams. Supply Chain has an important role to play in driving outcomes while being mindful of cost. Robin Czajka, vice president…