AHRMM Statement on Comparative Effectiveness

AHRMM supports the concept and use of Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) to provide evidence-based data to help inform purchasing decisions. CER is designed to support healthcare decisions by providing objective conclusions after comparing the effectiveness, benefits, and potential harm of various medical equipment, devices, or treatment options for specific episodes of care or states of disease.
By using objective data provided by CER, healthcare supply chain professionals have the ability to:

  • Ensure high-performing Value Analysis Teams
  • Document the cost-effectiveness and efficacy of reprocessing "single" use items
  • Standardize to a Medical / Surgical formulary of products
  • Maximize the use of information technologies to reduce labor costs and errors
  • Convert products, technologies, and services to lower cost-suitable, clinically-acceptable, alternatives that meet needed specifications
  • Convert to higher-cost products, technologies, and services to affect improved patient outcomes where the total cost is reduced and quality is measurably improved through alternatives that meet but do not exceed all needed specifications
  • Assist in the prioritization of capital expenditures, including "life-cycle" management
  • Utilize third party benchmarking practices to insure good stewardship of resources

AHRMM supports CER because the evidence is derived from independent research studies that compare how the use of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, tests, surgeries, interventions, or other ways to deliver healthcare compare one to another and the results are summarized in a systematic review.

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