
Support Services, Central Sterile, Purchased Services, Reprocessing Medical Devices, Sustainability

Ethylene Oxide Device Sterilization and the Alternatives

In light of the closure of some facilities that use gas ethylene oxide (EtO) to sterilize medical devices prior to their distribution and use, the FDA is looking at the future availability of medical devices and the possibility of medical device shortages. This webinar highlights potential alternatives to EtO, their advantages and disadvantages, and how to determine what kind of sterilization is best for your organization.

Technology, Cost Management, Analytics & Research, Data Standards, Inventory Management, Strategic Sourcing

Empowering Supply Chain Through Streamlined Technology

Today, health systems are being forced to leverage disparate data from internal and external sources to drive business intelligence solutions. In this webinar, we review some of the challenges of disparate technology systems and how data can be better synchronized to drive meaningful understandings that fuel decisions.

Clinical Integration, Cost, Quality and Outcomes (CQO) Movement

2019 AHRMM CQO Report

2019 AHRMM CQO Report: The Power of Clinical Integration 


The CQO Task Force identified six health care organizations with case studies demonstrating the evolution of CQO and the expanding role of supply chain in meeting the needs of the ever-changing health care environment. These stories are contained within this report.

Analytics & Research, Cost Management, Inventory Management, Unique Device Identifier (UDI), Leveraging Technology

Scanning 301: Patient Safety and Cost Savings 

The rapid advancement of barcode scanning and RFID technologies coupled with improved interoperability has enabled a new level of data analytics that will impact the entire health care field. This webinar focuses on how automated capture of the UDI serves as the basis for improving current operations and predicting which devices will be the most effective.

Strategic Planning, Change Management, Cost Management, Cost, Quality and Outcomes (CQO) Movement, Strategic Sourcing

WHY, WHAT, and HOW of Strategic Planning (Three-Part Series)

The role of the supply chain is more important in health care than ever before due to the rising economic challenges that are faced today. This three-part on-demand series focuses on WHY strategic planning is important, WHAT a supply chain strategic plan should include, and HOW to implement a new strategic plan at your organization.