Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs)

A thought-leader panel discussion about the role of GPOs within the changing healthcare landscape and the and the daily decision of using a GPO or regional/local contracting. Panelists in Part 4 focus on what providers should expect from their GPO partners. Moderator: Allen Archer, System Director…
A thought-leader panel discussion about the role of GPOs within the changing healthcare landscape and the and the daily decision of using a GPO or regional/local contracting. Part 3 of the GPO or Local/Self Contracting webcast series examines whether compliance can be achieved without alignment,…
A thought-leader panel discussion about the role of GPOs within the changing healthcare landscape and the and the daily decision of using a GPO or regional/local contracting. In part 2 of the GPO or Local/Self Contracting webcast series, the panel considers the multiple product categories and the…
Allen Archer, System Director of Supply Chain at Houston Healthcare, leads a thought-leader panel discussion about the role of GPOs within the changing healthcare landscape and the and the daily decision of using a GPO or regional/local contracting. Part 1 centers on the GPO’s role in helping…
Discover tips that can separate a health system’s success or failure when creating a viable purchased services sourcing program in this short video webcast.